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Lawrence Stanley

Bridging the Gap between Faith and Science:
Lawrence Stanley's Mission to Improve Our World

With a heart for making the world a better place, Lawrence Stanley is dedicated to breaking down the barriers between people of different beliefs and backgrounds. In a world plagued by hate and distrust, he offers a refreshing perspective, taking a lighthearted approach to exploring the origins of humanity and the role of the Creator. Join Lawrence on his journey to bridge the divide between faith and science, and discover a new way of looking at the world.

The Runners Series

Lawrence Stanley is extremely proud and excited to share his epic work The Runners Series, already 16 books strong. It is a story that really needed to be told.

Creation Saga - Follow the first humans as they leave the safety of their garden valley and navigate the dangers of a new world, fighting to survive and uncovering the secrets of how to live. Join the intrepid adventurers on a thrilling and heart-wrenching journey of discovery and self-realization. 

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Western Expansion Saga - Follow the descendants of the first humans as they multiply and spread into new lands, but find that as their new society turns away from the old ways, it leads to a harder struggle for survival than they ever expected. Join these pioneering individuals on a thrilling journey of discovery, as they navigate the challenges of building a new civilization and uncover the secrets of their past.

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End of the Earth Saga - Follow the humans as time passes and they find that only through expansion can they prosper, but with each new step forward, problems arise, and society collapses. This epic adventure shows that only by being brought back to their roots, can people find true happiness. Join these characters on a journey of self-discovery and the rebuilding of a shattered society as they navigate the complexities of a new world and rediscover the secrets of their past.

Adam's Knife Saga - Rumors of a powerful icon drive our explorers east.  Tragedy and triumph shape a new generation of humans, and a new appreciation of the Creator’s plan.  Enjoy the exciting conclusion of the Runners Series.

Before Words is a living document, some fiction, most non-fiction, in which we explore and speculate on the toughest questions of our origins.  It is often updated as the research continues.

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“In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth.” 
Genesis 1:1

"The essence of life is statistical improbability on a colossal scale." 
Richard Dawkins

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